Musical lecture about the history of the mills in Windham, and throughout the state. Most songs are based on Willimantic’s Mills. For instance, the song; “Everybody Works at American Thread” Other songs deal with general concepts of the Industrial Revolution.
From the Hills to the Mills, Everybody Works at American Thread, W.E Barrows, Mill Manager Man, Windham Frog Wars, Mill-Maid Serenade, Trains, Charles Barrows, A Bright Idea, Teddy Toured the Town, Kelly, Millimantic, Willy For Me, Josephine Harmon, Jesse Greer, Windham History and Textile Museum, Willimantic Willies, Water Power.
Samples HERE.
From the Hills to the Mills, Everybody Works at American Thread, W.E Barrows, Mill Manager Man, Windham Frog Wars, Mill-Maid Serenade, Trains, Charles Barrows, A Bright Idea, Teddy Toured the Town, Kelly, Millimantic, Willy For Me, Josephine Harmon, Jesse Greer, Windham History and Textile Museum, Willimantic Willies, Water Power.
Samples HERE.